Jim Yoggerst's Prairie States

Before he passed away, Jim wanted the columns he had written to be preserved for research and education. His writings span 1936 to 2003. He wrote for Springfield's Illinois State Register, Chicago' Austin News, Waukegan's News-Sun and other Copley News Service papers. Columns are re-posted often, so visit often. To read a column, put the cursor over it and click. It magically enlarges. If it's still too small, click again.

Friday, July 15, 2011

St. Mel Dramatic Group Does Justice To Stalag 17 (1954)

St. Mel Dramatic Club, Chicago

How Just One Penny Was Enough (1954)

Christmas Story, James Yoggerst

Reporter Finds Adlai Still Full Of 'Old Nick' (1954)

Adlai Stevenson

Here's Day's Routine of Fillmore Detectives In Relentless War on Dope Addicts, Thefts (1954)

Chicago Police Department, Fillmore District

5-Year-Old 'Wrings Pathos' In Prize French Movie (1954)

Forbidden Games, Brigette Fossey

Belvedere Rings Bell For Austin Optimists Boy Fund (1954)

Austin Optimists Club, Chicago

Reporter Has A Quiet Lunch With Eisenhower (1954)

Earl Eisenhower

Police Hero Tells Of Amedeo Shooting (11/03/1954)

Chicago gangsters, Agostino Amedeo, Police Lt. Frank Pape

Our Reporter Rides In Parade With Ike (08/1954)

1954 Illinois State Fair, Dwight D. Eisenhower

Even Tractors Go Into A Dance (08/1954)

Reference: Illinois State Fair

Happy Days! Happy Hollow Happy Again At State Fair (08/1954)

1954 Illinois State Fair, Governor William G. Stratton

Fillmore Averages 90 Calls A Day (07/28/1954)

Chicago Police Department, Fillmore District

Reporter Dad Pens Poem To New Daughter (05/1954)

Dianne Yoggerst

Newest Red Propaganda Film At Cinema Annex (05/26/1954)

Reference: Salt of the Earth, Michael Wilson

'Peaches' Missing In This 'New Musical From Georgia' (04/28/1954)

Keto and Kote, Khanuma

'Peace Makers' Level Their Guns Against Big Business (04/21/1954)

World Peace Through Negotiations Conference

Calls Review of Opera 'Stupid;' Critic Replies (03/24/1954)

A Cossack Beyond the Danube, Zaporozhetz Za Dunayem

Cinema Annex Says Its Movies Are Art; Charges We Smear Them (03/17/1954)

L.S. Spencer, Chicago's Cinema Annex

Cossack Film Not Much Propaganda - Or Anything (03/10/1954)

A Cossack Beyond The Danube

Machine Gun Best Actor In Film (03/03/1954)

Soviet Union film Shors

Stalin Pictured As Hero In Red Propaganda Film At Cinema Annex (02/24/1954)

Meeting in Berlin, The Fall of Berlin

Here's A Critic Who Dares To Criticize Shakespeare (02/17/1954)


Thursday, July 07, 2011

Guardmen Deadly Serious (07/1953)

Camp Ridley, Minnesota

Even Routine Calls Add Drama To Life Of Inhalator Squad (05/06/1953)

Family Problems McNally's Forte (04/08/1953)

William McNally, Chicago Police

Sunday, July 03, 2011

45 Minutes From Loop To Austin (1952)

Garfield Park, Chicago Transit Authority

The Standing Man (1952)

James Yoggerst

The Bible (1952)

James Yoggerst

200 See Experimental Play at Austin High (1952)

A Scene in the Shadows, Austin High School Chicago

The Soda Ain't What It Used To Be (1952)

Soda Fountains

James Jones' Novel Still Packs Punch Of Realism (1952)


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