Jim Yoggerst's Prairie States

Before he passed away, Jim wanted the columns he had written to be preserved for research and education. His writings span 1936 to 2003. He wrote for Springfield's Illinois State Register, Chicago' Austin News, Waukegan's News-Sun and other Copley News Service papers. Columns are re-posted often, so visit often. To read a column, put the cursor over it and click. It magically enlarges. If it's still too small, click again.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

'My Most Gratifying Assignment' - Reporter (1952)

Korean War Veterans

Novel Gasps For Breath In Revival (1952)

Edmund Wilson

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hemingway's 'Old Man' Just A Good Fishing Trip (1952)

Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway

Novel Tells Of Ideal Underground World (1952)

The Green Child, Herbert Read

Reviewer Finds Authors Are One War Behind (1952)

Welcome Darkness - Leon Stratham, The Friend - Perry Wolff, Face of a Hero - Louis Falstein

Friday, June 24, 2011

Journalists Get Credit For Literary Contributions (1952)

American Non-Fiction, 1900-1950

Monday, June 20, 2011

'My Day On The CTA' It Could Happen To You (1952)

Here's an article that was sent back by a reader who has added some editorial comments.

Chicago Transit Authority, 1952

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Finds 'Cocktail Party' Review 'Intoxicating' (02/27/1952)

Daniel J. Cahill, The Cocktail Party, T.S. Elliot

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Austin News, Chicago - Cocktail Party (The Play) Drives Critic To Real Thing (02/20/1952)

The Cocktail Party, T.S. Elliot

Friday, June 17, 2011

State Has Own 'Little FBI' It's Bureau To Investigate Crimes (05/03/1951)

James Christensen, Illinois Bureau of Criminal Investigation

Thursday, June 16, 2011

5 Escape County Jail, Recaptured (03/06/1951)

Sheriff James Walsh, Sangamon County Jail, Springfield, Illinois

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Illinois State Register - Two Youths Admit Series Of Burglaries (1951)

William McEvers, John Hall, Springfield, Illinois

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Scoop - Into The River (11/12/1937)

Pete Lafauce, Springfield, Illinois

The Scoop - Some Crowd (11/13/1936)

Kelly Brothers, Springfileld, Illinois

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