Jim Yoggerst's Prairie States

Before he passed away, Jim wanted the columns he had written to be preserved for research and education. His writings span 1936 to 2003. He wrote for Springfield's Illinois State Register, Chicago' Austin News, Waukegan's News-Sun and other Copley News Service papers. Columns are re-posted often, so visit often. To read a column, put the cursor over it and click. It magically enlarges. If it's still too small, click again.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Stonebridge Priory (01/30/1965)

Stonebridge Priory, Lake Bluff, Illinois


  • At 12:17 AM, May 27, 2021, Anonymous Fred Ostapik said…

    Hello. I wish to collect whatever information I can about the Stonebridge Servite Priory especially during the years 1949 through 1953. That's when my family lived there. We were originally taken in as refugees fleeing Ukraine in 1944 by the Servite monastery in Rattenberg, Austria. We stayed until 1949 when the Fathers transferred us to Stonebridge.
    I wish to write an account of my wonderful experiences growing up in the two monasteries.
    I would appreciate any information or contacts you might be able to provide.

    Fred Ostapik


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